(accounts we manage)
Blog post and social media graphics, flyers, brochures, business cards, and all things printable material and digital design; they all tell a story.
What story do you want your customers to know?
We'd love to help you express your business' purpose through the great mediums of digital and printed design. Please feel free to contact us and we can chat about what we can do for you.

IT...what even is it?
Information Technology; the term is so broad, and reasonably so. Information, in this modern age, is everywhere. Think of all the information you interact with on a daily basis. Your email, your phone, your computer, all the apps you use, presentations, etc. It is all information. And modernly, that information is stored, organized, and presented by means of technology.
The simplest way to think about Information Technology is in metaphor; picture a library. Thousands of books (information) need to be organized, transported, cleaned, checked in, checked out, sorted again, thrown out, replaced, or new ones purchased.
IT specialists are the librarians of your business.
Your business is full of information. IT specialists organize this information in such a way that it is readily available to your entire team.
They're not only the librarians (organizers of information) at this library, but they're also the security guards (cybersecurity), making sure no books are stolen (by hackers) or any sort of vandalism occurs (from disgruntled employees). They're also the janitors, keeping the place squeaky clean (free of viruses). Lastly, they're the construction crew, putting an addition on the building full of new shelves (getting new employees set up with the tech they need) and fixing the old ones (repairing broken hardware and/or software).
So, is IT important? Certainly. Consider IT specialists like the Wizard of Oz, operating behind the curtain, making sure everything runs smoothly.
What makes Anderson IT Services so unique?
Many IT companies are what we call 'break/fix' companies. They're fantastic at diagnosing an issue and fixing it, but they're not often getting to the root of the issue.
When we provide IT Services, we don't just take a look at the technology your business is currently using, we look at where your business as a whole is heading. Your business strategy should determine which technology is utilized. Our keen understanding of business helps ensure our IT Services don't hold you back but instead propel you forward!
How do we do this?
We ask 'why' (thanks Enron, for running this phrase) and 'how'. And we ask it a lot. We don't do this to be condescending, belittling, or just because we enjoy challenging business owners. Instead, we do it so we can fully understand, not only what problems exist but so we can understand the very root cause of the problems. And beyond that, we want to understand exactly what you want to accomplish.
Common questions we ask:
Where is the business heading and how can we use technology to help make that happen?
Why did this problem appear in the first place and how do we make it never happen again?
Why do you need this technology?
Can this job be done in fewer steps?
Why is this the best solution and is there a better one?
How can we make this a simpler process?
Albert Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”
This is the approach we take. We'd rather spend most of our time truly understanding the problem. That way, we don't just invent new problems. We want to create a technological system that makes sense for your whole team, not something that just makes sense to us!
For far too long, IT companies have come up with solutions that make sense to them and them alone. Our job is to make technology work for the end-user, not make the end-user work for technology.
Practically speaking...
Your business doesn't just need networked computers and someone to call when your computer gets a virus. Instead, you need a team of competent individuals who set up your entire technological system to be streamlined, from the first phone call of a prospective client to the internal communication to the delivery of service/product to your client and follow-up. This entire process requires technology. Every software/app/platform used should connect, communicate with one another, and in turn, assist your team.
An example of streamlining your technological system:
Set up call groups so that when a customer calls, it rings multiple phones.
When the call is received, that customer's information is then added to a CRM (like SalesForce).
A task is then automatically created, based on the nature of the call, for the appropriate team to take the next steps.
The app that the team uses to follow up or complete the work then communicates back with the CRM, keeping track of the service.
While all this has been happening, each employee's activity is monitored, ensuring their work is being completed in a timely and professional manner.
Ongoing cybersecurity training is performed for each employee.
New employees are set up and trained on all apps needed to perform their job.
Ongoing projects are tracked in a task-management software, to ensure your team is on-task.
All data of marketing efforts, spending, income, and internal/external communication is aggregated into one report for decision-makers to see, so they can analyze the success of their company and make the most well-informed decisions.
Are you ready for your business processes to be streamlined?